Meme Depot Launch

My invite-only meme app of choice

It’s a normal Friday morning in New York City.

Two dudes drink coffee and talk loudly about memes nonstop for 45 minutes. One flew in from SF on a red-eye the night before, the other was up until 3 AM at a penguin-themed party that was “extremely lit”. While they are both exhausted, they’re excited to be talking about their favorite topic: dank memes.

This was how I found myself sitting across from Alexander Taub, the founder of my favorite new, invite-only meme app Meme Depot.

Alex is a Miami-based founder who has been in the startup game for 20 years. He’s landed a few big wins under his belt: In 2019, he sold a social intelligence app called SocialRank, and in 2021, he blew up the internet with an NFT project called Goblintown that went mega-viral and did $250M in sales.

The dude is an internet-native maniac with some cash in his pockets to build cool stuff. So why was a founder like Alex who’s made millions in Silicon Valley concerning himself with building something as silly as a meme app?

Well, as you already know—memes make millions.

“Meme Tech is about to have its moment”

“I have this big thesis that meme tech is going to be the next big category,” Taub explains1 . “Like, there’s health tech, there’s proptech, there’s adtech, there’s fintech… I think meme tech is about to have a big moment”.

In the last decade, all of tech has jumped forward (and AI moves a decade forward every half hour), yet Meme Tech has been at a standstill. As a practicing memelord and author of Memes Make Millions, I’ve tried every meme app out there, but it still feels like they’re all stuck in the early 2000s. Bad UI/UX, slow, glitchy. Memes run the internet, yet the apps suck.

“Without a doubt, memes are becoming a universal language. Memes are shared on every social platform: Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, family group chats, company Slack channels, marketing messages, celebrity feuds, etc. But if you google the market size of the meme industry, the projected value is expected to be $6.1B in 2025. This makes no sense when one meme coin (like $PEPE) has nearly that value as a market cap. Given how memes drive culture, politics, and entertainment, I’d be so bold to say that the true market size is at least 100x in size.”

As Alex explained his thesis, I was all ears. And later in the day after his flight back to Miami, Alex sent over access to Meme Depot. I was hooked. So hooked I stayed up that night exploring Meme Depot until 3 AM.

Welcome to Meme Depot

meme depot alexander taub ajt goblintown

Meme Depot is 1/2 Pinterest, 1/2 subreddits, 100% dank. It’s the first meme app that has the modern feel of Instagram, not 1990s AOL.

Users have the ability to create collections aka “Depot” of memes and follow other people’s depots. It’s quickly becoming one of the biggest categorized database of memes on the internet.

  • Want all the Curb Your Enthusiasm memes? There's a Depot for that.

  • Want all the memes based on Dad jokes? There's a Depot for that.

  • Want all the memes based on dogs? There's a Depot for that.

If you’re searching for a topic like “Mark Zuckerberg”, you can search for a Depot. Or if you’re looking for a specific meme, you can search for the exact caption in the meme (Meme Depot uses AI to extract the words from pics). Once you find your dank meme, you can quickly copy it to your clipboard or go edit it up within Meme Depot’s native editor.

This means no more searching through your photos folder 3 espressos deep and crying to yourself in a dark alley behind a bar (ok maybe that’s just me). You now have a super-fast meme folder that does most of the work for you.

There’s also cool features like: buying/selling passes to Depots, automatically importing all your memes from your 𝕏, and more.

Who cares???

As I write in my memelord manifesto Memes Make Millions, a memelord must “capitalize on the current thing”.

If something is trending like (ex. OpenAI drama) you’ve gotta create a dank meme to post ASAP. 1 hour is often too late. Any time spent searching the internet or your photos folders is wasted time. You need trigger fingers and you need to be very online. If you want to go viral with dank memes, you need to meme fast while it’s hot and the topic is in the internet’s mindshare.

Meme Depot makes it easier to do this. If you’re serious about blowing up the internet with dank memes, you need to be using Meme Depot.

(Fun fact: I may be the only Meme Depot member to be both a professional memelord and an ex employee at Home Depot.)

Memes of the Week:

Let’s blow up the internet together.

Thanks for reading nerds.

Jason “The Memelord” Levin

Head of Growth @ Product Hunt, Author of Memes Make Millions