IRL-friendly Tech Terms

using tech terms in real life

A few weeks ago, I heard Balaji say he'd double-click an idea meaning he'd look into it and do some research. Everyone’s been using google and tweet as verbs for at least a decade, but this was the first time I realized:

Tech is not just propagating the culture. Tech is the culture.

I’m making a list of tech terms that could be used in IRL discussions. If we talk on the phone, don’t be surprised if I break any/all of them out.

So far, I've got:


In Git, forking is essentially copying a code repository/branch and adding it to your own code database so you can make without screwing up the live website/app.

In IRL speak, it could mean copying somebody’s idea and running with it. Forking could have either a positive or negative connotation depending on the scenario.

Ex. “Jesse forked my budget proposal, made a few edits, and we had the deal closed by the end of the week!”


Much like forking, this could be used in IRL discussions to mean mimicking a behavior or action.

Ex. “Did you see Jenny totally copy-pasted Rachel’s outfit??”

User Experience (UX)

UX usually describes a users’ experience in an app or website.

Every time we go to a Starbucks, we have a user experience designed by a team of architects, interior designers, and the Starbucks in-person staff.

Ex. “The UX of sitting in Taco Bell blows, but when I’m on a long drive, I don’t mind a couple crunchy tacos and a mountain dew.”

Bug/Feature Comparison

Bugs are errors in code/design, whereas features are the things that make your app/site useful. Many times, there is a debate whether a certain part of the UX is a bug or feature.

For example, is Instagram’s 3 x 3 grid a bug or feature? Is it a bad thing or is it what makes curating an Instagram so special to some people? What about Twitter’s 240-character limit?

Well, this bug/feature comparison can be used for people’s personality traits too. Is impatience a bug or feature? What about introversion?

Ex. “I can’t tell if my dog’s need for attention is a bug or feature; it’s super adorable but also annoying when I’m trying to work.”

Zooming In

No, not the zoom app. I’m talking camera zoom.

In IRL-speak, zooming in could mean 1) focusing on a particular topic in a conversation, or 2) moving closer to the action at a sports game.

Ex. “Wait, what are decentralized cities? Let’s zoom in on that for a second.”


You ever reading a paperback book and your brain tells you to try to F that shit? That is what my friend Zach calls computer thoughts.

I do think F could be cool IRL though for when you’re searching for a lost sock or looking for the exit on a maze at a Halloween fair (very specific, I know).

Ex. “Yo Jason, let’s F the exit and get the hell out of this haunted maze!”

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

In the tech-world, a minimum viable product is the absolute bare minimum product that could be either sent to market or shown to investors when raising money.

In IRL, you can replace product with things like food, drinks, or parties. If you have a couple of the ingredients for a bomb omelette you’re trying to make, start small and make the minimum viable omelette.

Ex. “Before we invite 100 people to the bowling alley, let’s throw a minimum viable party with 10 people and see if the place is any good.”


We’ve all forwarded an email before and a lot of us have forwarded domains.

But, there’s part of me that thinks we could be out here forwarding ideas and gifts IRL.

Ex. “Here’s Jon’s new t-shirt. Can you forward it to him?”