I interviewed a founder with a $50M+ exit

He sold 2 startups to Google and Twitter

If you sold a startup for $50M+, what would you do next?

Drink pina coladas on the beach? Play golf?

For serial founder Gabor Cselle, the answer is: keep building and hacking on new projects. Gabor has 2 exits under his belt, and is now working on 2 more projects in the AI/content space.

We discussed:

  • Gabor’s $50M+ acquisition to Twitter 🤑

  • Gabor’s new project in LLMs

  • Designing AI SaaS

  • Using AI to generate TikToks automatically

  • 3 marketing automations I can’t stop thinking about 👀

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Thanks for reading, nerds.

Let’s blow up the internet together.

Jason Levin