I got my 1st Instagram sponsorship

Lambos + Leverage

Sup nerds

Somehow my evil plan worked.

6 months ago, Elon took over š• and it was chaos. I was afraid I was gonna lose my #1 stream of revenueā€”so I figured it was time to diversify.

I hired a video editor for $3,500/month to help me grow my Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube and try to make some money on there. Over the next 5 months, I spent $22,000 and 100s of hours without seeing $1 back.

Then something weird happened.

My plan actually started working.

I started making money from videos.

In 6 months, I went from literally 300 followers to getting sponsored by brands and getting paid thousands to interview people on the street.


  1. How I grew my Instagram in 6 months (month-by-month analysis)

  2. How I got my first Instagram sponsorship (with email screenshots)

  3. How you can steal my formula for building leverage online

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